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  Location: General Education Center\ About Us
About Us  
  This center, previously known as Division of General Courses founded in the 1991-1992 school year, was officially set up in August 2004.

The mission of the center is to produce sports professionals who are equipped with specialized knowledge, job competence, cultural sensitivity and who can adapt to the challenges of the 21 st century by providing well-trained staff dedicated to deliver quality instruction and courses that meet the students demands.
Upon the completion of the undergraduate education, the students will:
1. demonstrate competence in non-specialized areas of studies.
2. possess cultural sensitivity and treat people with care and charity.
3. be capable of forming judgment and performing independent studies.


桃園縣龜山鄉文化一路250號 TEL: (03)-328-3201*1303 FAX: (03)-328-2846
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